Red Hook Farms cultivates affordable, fresh produce and provides STEM and nutrition education, leadership development and employment opportunities for youth and residents.

Youth Farm Apprentices
The Youth Farmers program is a paid apprenticeship for youth, ages 14-19 years old, living in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Apprentices are involved in all parts of running the Farms – planting, weeding, harvesting, composting, marketing, outreach, and more. You will become an urban farmer, develop your professional and leadership skills and positively engage with your peers, the community and the environment.

Farm-Based Learning
The Columbia and Wolcott Street Farms are outdoor classrooms where children and youth roll up their sleeves, learn about plants, and explore where their food comes from. We host groups in the spring, summer, and fall from local schools, summer camps, and fellow teen programs. Sessions include a farm tour, plant exploration, service-learning activities, and farm-fresh snacks!